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Prodevco PCR31

Prodevco PCR42

The Prodevco uses Hypertherm XPR-300 High Definition plasmas.

°ä±«°Õ°Õ±õ±·³Ò:Ìý   The PCR31 coping machine cuts notches, holes and weld preps, it splits beams, and it scribes and marks on up to 3 faces H-beams, channels, angles, HSS and plates. Using the Hypertherm plasma cutter delivers time-saving and cost-saving structural steel shapes.
PLATE PROCESSING:    The PCR31 can process plate up to 60-inch wide, with bevelling capability. Integrated torch height control keeps control of plasma cutting machine tip to plate distance at the optimum value. Automatic torch calibration ensures the precision of bevel cut.
CYCLE TIME:    Productivity is one of the first goals for Prodevco. The design of the PCR31 allows you to save time by accommodating loading and unloading your part while the system is working. By completely eliminating material handling down time between operations, our plasma cutting machine is able to produce completely finished pieces at the lowest manufacturing cost.
VERSATILITY:    The PCR31 is available in several size configurations to 
accommodate your production needs and fit within your space constraints.
OPERATION CONSOLE:    Our operation console is designed with simplicity in mind. Most of the information is presented graphically, reducing the training required to operate the machine.
MEASURING SYSTEM:    The non-contact measuring system is more precise than traditional measuring methods, it avoids damage from collisions with unexpected beam profiles as well as issues with debris in the plasma torch obtained through physical probing. The measuring system ensures fast and accurate measurements and allows the processing of bent and imperfect materials. The PCR31 automatically adjusts cut trajectories to produce exact part dimensions as required in the drawings and compensates as needed based on real material dimensions fed into the system.
²Ñ´¡±õ±·°Õ·¡±·´¡±·°ä·¡:Ìý   World-class third-party suppliers and stringent design criteria provide a durable plasma cutting platform with very little maintenance necessary.
PROFILE CUTTING:    The PCR31 steel coping system can process DSTV files directly from design drawing packages such as Tekla, XSteel, Design Data SDS/2, Graitec Advance Design, etc. It also allows the modification of parts directly from the machine interface.

°ä±«°Õ°Õ±õ±·³Ò:Ìý   The PCR42 robotic plasma cutting system does beam coping, 
notches, holes and weld preps, splits beams, and scribes plus marks on all four faces of H-beams, channels, angles, HSS and plates.
FOUR-FACE OPERATION:    The PCR42′s cutting envelope covers all four faces of steel profiles, allowing for HSS cutting in a single pass and marking on all four sides.
PIPE & TUBE CUTTING:    The PCR42 is the first system of its kind in the world to plasma cut standard structural steel profiles, pipes and round tubes with the same plasma coping equipment.
VERSATILITY:    The PCR31 is available in several size configurations to 
accommodate your production needs and fit within your space constraints.
OPERATION CONSOLE:    Our operation console is designed with simplicity in mind. Most of the information is presented graphically, reducing the training required to operate the machine.
MEASURING SYSTEM:    The non-contact measuring system is more precise than traditional measuring methods, it avoids damage from collisions with unexpected beam profiles as well as issues with debris in the plasma torch obtained through physical probing. The measuring system ensures fast and accurate measurements and allows the processing of bent and imperfect materials.
²Ñ´¡±õ±·°Õ·¡±·´¡±·°ä·¡:Ìý   World-class third-party suppliers and stringent design criteria provide a durable plasma cutting platform with very little maintenance necessary.
NO PROGRAMMING REQUIRED:    The PCR42 works directly from the DSTV files generated by your detailing software. There is no programming required. Our software uses your 3D CAD drawings to prepare the trajectories needed for the robotic plasma cutter.

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