

Titan Series

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The TITAN waterjet cutting series is the latest addition to the Semyx waterjet cutting product line. It provides a vigorous industrial design and rigid construction that combines precision and simplicity. The TITAN model is made to handle high production for versatile applications. The TITAN has a special waterjet tank feature that allows for extra weight on the tank. Our TITAN waterjet cutting system is also equipped with roller bearings, a technology superior in design guaranteeing the longest life possible. The TITAN models come in two sizes for both large and small applications.

Separated & Rigid Tank

  • The rigid tank allows for extra loads on the tank 256 lb/饾憮饾憽2
  • This feature also presents the option to have a unique design for the tank utilizing distinctive needs such as the accommodation of extra thick parts or delicate materials.

NEXEN Patented Precision Roller Pinion System (RPS) In X & Y axes

  • The used technology in moving axes in Titan 2019 machine is : NEXEN Roller Pinion System (RPS) which gives a fresh face to traditional rack and pinion systems
  • The RPS overcomes the troublesome limitations of conventional drive systems and offers unmatched performance
  • The RPS is grease free

Bridge Rigidity

  • Bridge rigidity results from the high strength steel structure
  • In order to avoid dimensions deformation resulted from extrusion process and get best performance of the machine, the bridge is machined by high accuracy milling machines
  • Accurate studies were done on the section, and by using FEA( Finite Elements Analysis ) programs to analyze loads and their results on the section
  • When bridge is loaded by 70 kg in the middle, with taking into consideration gravity and machine acceleration , the maximum deflection in the middle 0.2mm with high safety factor, Minimum safety factor is SF=4.3

IP67 Cable System

The TITAN model features high quality components and precision

TITAN Series Specifications

X-Axis Cutting Stroke mm (in)3040 mm (120″)4040 mm (159″)
Y-Axis Cutting Stroke mm (in)2000 mm (78″)2000 mm (78″)
Z-Axis Stroke mm (in)304.8 mm (12″)304.8 mm (12″)
Footprint Width mm (in)3950 mm (156″)3950 mm (156″)
Footprint Length mm (in)5230 mm (206″)6230 mm (246″)
Accuracy mm (in)卤0.05 mm (0.002″)卤0.05 mm (0.002″)
Repeatability mm (in)卤0.025 mm (卤0.001鈥)卤0.025 mm (卤0.001鈥)
DriversAC Servo MotorsAC Servo Motors
Motion for X-AxisPrecision Roller Pinion System (RPS) / NexenPrecision Roller Pinion System (RPS) / Nexen
Motion for Y-AxisPrecision Roller Pinion System (RPS) / NexenPrecision Roller Pinion System (RPS) / Nexen
Tank Load Capacity1250 kg/m2听(256 lb/ft2听)1250 kg/m2听(256 lb/ft2听)
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